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admin April 14, 2015 News

Regev Laments ‘Blackmail’ From Small Parties in Coalition Talks

Likud MK Miri Regev joins a chorus of Likud officials who have recently attacked right-wing parties during the coalition talks, claiming they are placing unreasonable demands on Likud and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

“It’s time to change the electoral system,” Regev fired on her Facebook page. “It cannot be that small and medium sized parties blackmail the major parties and distort the will of the voter. Enough blackmail.”

“If insistence and unpleasantness on the natural partners [a reference to Jewish Home – ed.] will continue to push Likud’s back to the wall, Likud will not hesitate to contact [Labor leader Yitzhak] Herzog and offer a unity government or even go to the polls again.” 

“It is inconceivable that the ruling party, which received a clear mandate from the people and whose mandates are enough to have a significant advantage over the other parties, will lose its strength like this.” 

‘People want to see Likud, which it chose, in significant positions and able to carry out the reforms it promised,” she continued. “I hope that we will not find ourselves again in a government that is incapable of advancing issues and busy nursery school games like the previous government.”

Coalition talks have stymied over the past several weeks, as rumors abound on the progress in talks and as the only public meetings to be confirmed successful have been between Likud and United Torah Judaism and with new party Kulanu. 

Interior Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) clarified earlier Tuesday that Netanyahu has not – despite much brouhaha – met with Herzog yet to discuss a unity government, and echoed that Jewish Home and other parties must be more flexible to ensure a coalition is formed. 

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