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svgadminsvgFebruary 4, 2016svgNews

Rebbe of Erlau hospitalized

Erlau Rebbe Rabbi Yochanan Sofer, 93, was hospitalized Thursday at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem over concerns of developing pneumonia.

Close acquaintances say that the Rebbe, the head of the Erlau hasidic dynasty, has been feeling ill in recent days, and family members on the advice of his doctors requested to hospitalize him today.

Despite his weakness, he voluntarily admitted himself into the hospital where he underwent an extensive series of tests.

The Rebbe of Erlau was hospitalized several times in recent years due to his age and increased exhaustion.

A few years ago, while he was in Switzerland with a handful of followers, he suffered a stroke and was admitted to a local hospital. After he recovered and was discharged, he was flown back to Israel.

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