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svgadminsvgOctober 15, 2012svgNews

Prosor: Time to Take Measures Against Hizbullah

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, called the Security Council on Monday to take strong measures against the Hizbullah terror group, after it launched a drone into Israel.

“Some countries that are sitting around the Council’s table continue to provide free rein to Hizbullah to raise money as if it were the Red Cross, not a terrorist group which threatens to plunge the region into bloodshed,” said Prosor, according to Army Radio.

He added that by providing Hizbullah with sophisticated arms, Iran is turning Lebanon into an “outpost for terror.”

The unmanned drone that infiltrated into Israel was eventually shot down by the Israeli Air Force.

Hizbullah’s television network later aired a video simulation of the drone’s path, which clearly showed that the drone had a camera which photographed the targets over which it flew.

The video said that the drone took off from Lebanon and flew over the Mediterranean Sea, along the Israeli coastline. It claimed that the drone managed to avoid all Israeli radars as it advanced towards the southern Israeli coastline. The video also said that the aircraft flew over Israel’s oil rigs that are located deep in the Mediterranean.

Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah boasted that his group had sent the unmanned drone over Israel, saying the device was built by Iran.

On Sunday, Iran jeered at Israel’s air defenses while confirming that Tehran had provided Hizbullah with the drone.

Iran’s “capabilities are very high and are at the disposal and service of Islamic nations,” said Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi when asked about the origins of the unmanned aerial craft.

“It is natural to use whatever we have at our disposal at the necessary time to defend the lands of the Islamic world…This move shows that Hizbullah is fully prepared … and will respond to the Zionist regime,” he said.

Prosor on Monday also warned UN members against recognizing the Palestinian Authority as an observer state, something PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has announced he plans to pursue.

“With this magic solution you will be responsible for legitimizing an entity that does not meet the basic conditions of a state,” said Prosor and added, “The PA dedicates six percent of its budget to salaries for terrorists, and less than one percent to fund higher education.”

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