A court hearing will be held on Thursday in the case of Ahmed Mansara, the 13-year-old terrorist accused of attempted murder in the stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze’ev last month.
Channel 10 reported Wednesday night that Mansara’s lawyers had asked prosecutors if they would consider putting an end to the trial before the defendant reaches the age of 14, if he is willing to plead guilty and allocute to his crimes.
According to the report, the prosecutor’s office refused the plea deal and the trial is likely to take place as planned.
Mansara’s age is of great importance, because should a guilty verdict be rendered while he is still under the age of 14, he will be sent to a closed juvenile facility in place of prison.
The minor’s lawyers claimed to Channel 10 that their client had no murderous intention toward the 13-year-old boy and 25-year-old man that were seriously wounded in the stabbing attack in Jerusalem.
According to them, the person who intended to murder the two Israelis was Mansara’s 15-year-old cousin, who was shot dead by security forces at the scene of the attack.
The lawyers further claim the prosecution lacks the required evidence to prove attempted murder, and only suggested the plea deal to ensure the trial would end quickly.
With the prosecution’s refusal, the trial will begin tomorrow with an evidentiary hearing to be held in December, likely concluding before the defendant turns 14.