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Poll Shows Teens Are More Eager To Fight For Israel

Some 61 percent of Israelis aged 17 to 18 say that Operation Protective Edge has increased their motivation to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, according to a joint survey by the EduAction Forum and the Geocartography Knowledge Group.

Nine percent of the teens polled said the current war against terrorist groups in Gaza had made them less motivated for army service.

Nearly half (49 percent) of those polled said they believe that combat roles contribute the most to the country’s security. Also, 49 percent agreed with the sentence attributed to early Zionist war hero Josef Trumpeldor at Tel Hai: “It’s good to die for your country.” The number of respondents agreeing was directly proportional to how religious they were.

On Monday, the EduAction Forum planned to host a meeting between four teens awaiting their draft date and Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan to discuss the lessons learned from Operation Protective Edge and the connections between education, the military, national security and the people.

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