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svgadminsvgDecember 6, 2014svgNews

Poll Shows 62% Don’t Want Hareidi Coalition

As reports flood in of a hareidi coalition being eyed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and even Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid, who ran on an anti-hareidi ticket, a new poll shows that a full 62% do not want to see the hareidi parties in the next coalition government.

The poll, which was conducted by the Smith Institute for Hiddush, the liberal Movement for Religious Freedom and Equality, was reported by Walla! on Saturday.

According to the results, 62% do not want to see a coalition with the hareidi parties Shas and United Torah Judaism (UTJ), and 74% oppose a new increase in the hareidi yeshiva budgets.

Focusing in on Netanyahu’s Likud party, the poll found that 57% of Likud voters oppose a coalition with the hareidi parties. Likewise 71% of Labor voters oppose joining with the hareidi parties, after reports that the party is also eyeing a coalition with them to replace Netanyahu.

Breaking down the statistics even further, the poll revealed 76% of secular voters oppose a government with the hareidim, as opposed to 66% of “traditional” Jews and 80% of new immigrants. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 95% of hareidi voters want the hareidi parties in the government.

According to recent polls, Shas can expect nine seats, and UTJ would get five.

The Smith poll was conducted last Wednesday among 500 citizens representing a mix of the Jewish population.

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