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svgadminsvgJanuary 15, 2015svgNews

Poll Puts Labor Squarely over Likud, Yisrael Beytenu Collapses

Poll fever continues ahead of March 17 elections, and while results have shown Likud and Labor neck and neck, the latest survey by Channel 10 gives Labor a full four mandate gap over Likud.

According to the poll, conducted by the Dialog Institute under the supervision of Prof. Camil Fuchs, Labor – which erased the word “Zionism” from its Arabic ad campaign – would get 24 mandates, while Likud would only receive 20.

Coming in at third Jewish Home stays at 16 seats, followed by a joint Arab list that would receive 12 mandates. Such a joint list – formed between the three parties Hadash, Balad and United Arab List – has yet to be finalized.

Yesh Atid and Kulanu, both of which have focused on economic issues, would each get ten mandates.

The hareidi United Torah Judaism party would get seven mandates, while Shas headed by recently returned Aryeh Deri would get six, as would the radical leftist Meretz.

Avgidor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu has been nosediving in recent polls amid an ongoing corruption scandal focusing on senior party members, but the latest poll shows the party at its lowest yet, receiving a paltry five seats.

That new low comes the same Thursday that Liberman officially announced his party campaign, saying his goal is 16 mandates. It also comes as Agricultural Minister Yair Shamir quit the party by not submitting candidacy for the party list, becoming the fifth MK to abandon ship in the last two months.

Rounding out the list, Eli Yishai’s Yachad – Ha’am Itanu party just makes it over the threshold with four mandates. Former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari’s Otzma Yehudit was not represented in the poll yet again, in what it argues is an intentional media blackout.

In the one poll in which Otzma Yehudit was asked, Ha’am Itanu was shown getting three seats and Otzma Yehudit got two, with neither party passing the threshold. However, if the two were to run together, the poll found they would receive between four and five seats, and firmly secure a spot in the Knesset.

The two parties are discussing a possible technical bloc to run on a joint list.

In a separate question, the poll asked respondents which politician they viewed as most appropriate to hold the office of prime minister. It found 42% supported Binyamin Netanyahu for the role, with just 35% supporting Labor head Yitzhak Herzog, and a full 23% said they didn’t know.

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