Most of the Jewish public in Israel does not support the remarks by IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, who said last week that IDF soldiers must not “empty magazines” into a 13-year-old female terrorist wielding scissors and trying to stab victims, a Channel 10 News poll published on Sunday evening finds.
The poll found that 57% of the Jewish public does not support the remarks of the Chief of Staff, while 43% said they do support them.
When including the responses from the Arab public, 53% said they supported Eizenkot’s remarks compared to 47% who said the opposite.
Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu backed Eizenkot’s remarks, saying the Chief of Staff “merely stated the obvious and adding that regardless, this is how the army and security forces function.”
Meanwhile, Education Minister Naftali Bennett backed Eizenkot as well, saying in a radio interview that the Chief of Staff “said something obvious, when there’s life-threatening danger you need to open fire to harm, but if there is no life-threatening danger you don’t need to do that.”