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svgadminsvgMay 5, 2012svgNews

Police Seek Suspects in Be’er Sheva Murder

A Be’er Sheva man was murdered on Friday night after asking a group of young men to speak more quietly. The victim, 36-year-old Gadi Vichman, was killed on his daughter’s birthday.

His wife Michal witnessed the murder. She reported that Gadi was killed the minute he went downstairs, just minutes after he had politely asked a group of youth to make less noise and been cursed at in response.

Michal had called police earlier to report the noise and warn of an apparent fight between youth, but officers failed to arrive.

While her husband went downstairs Michal called the police a second time – but they did not come in time. “He had just walked up to them when the one who had cursed him walked up to him very quickly, headbutted him and stabbed him.”

Paramedics raced to the scene but were unable to save Gadi’s life. Police are now hunting for the young man who stabbed him, and are using video footage to track him down.

Just hours earlier the Vichmans had celebrated their daughter’s second birthday. The couple have another child as well.

“It happens so easily, people don’t think, they so easily break a bottle or pull out a knife, they don’t realize that they’re destroying their own lives,” Michal said. “That young man will be caught, he destroyed his own life and he destroyed a whole family.

“He simply destroyed a whole family,” she said in tears.

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