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svgadminsvgSeptember 1, 2015svgNews

PM Says He is ‘Ready’ to Meet with Abbas for Negotiations

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met on Tuesday with a group of women from the Women Wage Peace activist group. 

This summer members of the group held a weeks-long protest, entitled “Fasting with them,” outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem to mark the one year anniversary of Operation Protective Edge. 

Woman Wage Peace, which includes members from all sectors, political views and religions, calls on the government to prioritize negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, in the hopes of achieving a peace agreement.

During the meeting, the women told Netanyahu about why their movement was established and asked him to initiate and lead a process to come to an agreement with the Palestinians. 

The Prime Minister expressed his desire to return to the negotiating table and said, “I have no preconditions for negotiations. I am ready now to go to Ramallah or any other place in order to meet and hold direct negotiations without preconditions.” 

“We want to conduct negotiations with the Palestinians,” he continued. “The solution is two states for two peoples – a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the national state of the Jewish People.” 

“If you intend to meet with Abu Mazen [PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas], tell him that I am ready to meet if he is,” Netanyahu concluded. 

Last month, in the midst of Women Wage Peace’s protest outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, the demonstrators met with the Prime Minister’s wife, Sara Netanyahu. 

Responding to the protestors’ call on Netanyahu to resume the peace process with the Palestinians, his wife blamed the PA chairman for the stalemate, telling the activists to camp outside of Abbas’ home in Ramallah.

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