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svgadminsvgApril 27, 2015svgNews

Photos: First Israelis Return from Nepal

The first Israelis landed after being rescued from Kathmandu on Monday afternoon, after a Magen David Adom (MDA) plane escorted the evacuees from the disaster area to Israel’s Sde Dov airport.

On board were five surrogate infants and 18 Israelis total.

Upon landing, they were greeted by family members of many passengers, officials from the Foreign Ministry and MDA; they also met with MDA Director Eli Bin.

MDA gave the new parents a gift package that included clothing, toys, diapers, cloth diapers, baby food and baby wipes as a “welcome home” gift. 

A source in the Foreign Ministry said that roughly 100 Israelis are currently still defined as being out of contact, meaning they have yet to be accounted for.

The number of people killed in the earthquake has already risen to over 3,726, as bodies continue to be found amid the massive rubble.


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