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svgadminsvgNovember 24, 2012svgNews

People in Toronto Rally in Support of Israel

This past week, as Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense against Hamas’s terror infrastructure in Gaza was going on, about 150 people attended a rally in support of Israel outside the Israeli Consulate in Toronto.

According to a report in the Shalom Toronto newspaper, during the demonstration, which was led by the Hillel Jewish student union, 99 biodegradable red balloons with the names of the Israeli communities that were under constant rocket attacks were released into the air.

Before releasing the balloons into the air, the demonstrators counted to 15, illustrating the 15 seconds Israelis in southern Israel have to get into their shelters upon hearing the Color Red siren. The demonstrators carried Israeli flags and signs reading “Israel we support you”, “Israel wants peace” and “Israel left Gaza for peace and is being attacked by Gaza.”

One of the participants in the demonstration told Shalom Toronto that she came to the demonstration to show her full solidarity with Israel and to explain to the Canadian public that the missile attacks by Hamas were initiated not because of settlements, but because Arabs do not want to see a Jewish or Christian presence in Israel and strive to establish an Islamic state in the region.

Thousands also took part this week in rallies supporting Israel’s right to defend its citizens in Paris and New York.

In Paris, thousands gathered to support the State of Israel at a demonstration just off the Champs-Elysees Boulevard. Some 2,500 protesters gathered to listen to an address by Joel Mergui, president of the Israelite Consistory of France.

A ceasefire agreement was reached on Wednesday. Hamas terrorists fired 20 rockets at Israel in the two hours after the ceasefire took hold, but it has been maintained since.

On Friday, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said that the operation had received the desired results.  He played down Hamas’s victory celebrations and said, “With every passing day the other side will understand what really happened to it.”

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