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svgadminsvgDecember 31, 2014svgNews

Palestinian House Firebombed in Suspected ‘Price Tag’ Attack

A Palestinian house in the village of Yatta, near Hevron in the Judea region, was firebombed last night in what appears to be a “price tag” attack.

Five children and two adults were in the house at the time of the attack, in which several incendiary devices were hurled into the property through a window. No one was injured, although extensive damage was caused to the property, according to locals.

Anti-Arab graffiti written in Hebrew near the property declared the attack had been “revenge”.  

Yatta mayor Mussa Mhamra condemned the “racist crime committed by settlers who wanted to kill an entire Palestinian family”.

Wednesday’s attack bore the hallmarks of so-called “price tag” violence – a euphemism for nationalist-motivated vandalism and arson by Jewish extremists.

Such attacks began as a reaction to state demolitions of Jewish homes in the region at the behest of left-wing and Arab groups, but have since occurred more commonly as a response to Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians.

It is not immediately clear whether there were any other clues indicating what the attack was in “revenge” for, but last week a Palestinian firebomb attack on an Israeli car in Samaria left an 11-year-old girl critically wounded and her father lightly injured.

Police are investigating the incident.

AFP contributed to this report.

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