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svgadminsvgApril 27, 2015svgNews

Palestinian Arab Rock Thrower Shot by Security Forces

A 16-year-old Palestinian Arab who had been throwing rocks at security forces near Jenin was shot by IDF forces and moderately wounded on Monday evening.

The teen was taken to a hospital in Jenin. There were no reports of injuries among the Israeli troops.

The attempted terrorist attack came hours after an Israeli was lightly injured at the Huwara checkpoint near Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria, when Arabs threw a firebomb at his car. He managed to jump out of the car in time, preventing serious injuries. 

Security forces and paramedics arrived on the scene quickly. The victim was treated and taken to a hospital, while security forces began searching for suspects. 

Arab terrorists were also busy elsewhere in the Judea and Samaria region on Monday, pelting rocks at an Egged 147 bus traveling from Jerusalem to Ma’ale Adumim. 

Luckily, no one was hurt in the attack. 

Earlier Monday afternoon, general security services together with the IDF and Israel Police uncovered a six-man terror cell responsible for several attacks in Samaria’s Binyamin region. 

The attacks included hurling pipe bombs and firebombs at the pre-military academy Elisha in Neve Tzuf and the town Halamish. 

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