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admin September 27, 2011 News

PA Rails Against Gilo Development Project

Palestinian Authority spokesperson Nabil Abu Radina railed against the approval of new Israeli construction in Jerusalem’s Gilo area on Tuesday.

According to the PA’s semi-official Ma’an news agency, Radina called the new construction project “a unilateral move by Israel that undermines Palestinian efforts to build a state with East Jerusalem as its capital” and “an obstacle to the peace process.”

Israel’s Reshet Bet radio said PA officials accuse the Netanyahu government of “trying to destroy the two state solution.”

Senior PA official Saeb Erekat said that the construction is tantamount to a rejection of the Quartet’s initiative for renewing negotiations.  

PLO official Saeb Erekat described the approval as a “slap in the face to all international efforts to protect the fading prospects of peace in the region.” 

He added: “Israel responded to the Quartet Statement and French Initiative with 1100 ‘nos.’ Netanyahu has embarrassed all those in the international community who insisted that there was a peace partner in Israel.”

The PA Prime Minister’s Office of Salam Fayyad criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for “creating pre-conditions on the ground,” in an attempt to paint Netanyahu as a hypocrite for calling for renewed talks between Israel and the PA without preconditions.

Fayyad’s office did not address that the PA demand for a new Israeli building freeze in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem is a principle precondition that has stalled talks with the Jewish state, or explain how Netanyahu’s refusal accept said precondition is, in of itself, a new precondition.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israel’s Interior Ministry announced the approval of 1,100 new housing units in Gilo as a part of a wider development project including commercial construction as well.

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