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svgadminsvgJuly 28, 2016svgNews

Oren, Lipman join forces to improve absorption of Anglos

MK Michael Oren and former MK Dov Lipman have announced a new Knesset-based initiative to address some of the challenges that face English speaking immigrants to Israel. These issues include the immigrant benefit package, tax problems, professional and driving licenses, struggles of lone soldier and national service volunteers, and the need for English speaking clerks and representatives in government agencies and ministries.

The new initiative will kickoff with a hearing in the Immigration and Absorption Committee on Monday August 1. This specific hearing will address specific challenges regarding national service for young people from overseas which create obstacles for their immigration and absorption process. Representatives of various absorption organizations will present these challenges to the committee and to the government representatives who will be invited to attend with a goal to work towards legislation which addresses these issues.

MK and former Ambassador to the US Oren: “I’m delighted to join with former MK Dov Lipmann in inaugurating the Knesset’s first caucus for English speaking olim. Immigrants from English speaking countries contributed immensely to building this country and continue do so today. Yet they still face formal challenges in integration and absorption. The caucus will address these difficulties and adopt concrete solutions.”

Former MK Lipman: “This committee hearing is just the beginning of the process. MK Oren and I have decided that we will not rest until we solve the many problems and challenges related to the absorption of English speaking immigrants. I am thrilled to be working with MK Oren on this effort and am confident that this ‘bipartisan’ effort will bear fruit.”

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