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svgadminsvgJune 1, 2015svgNews

Oren Hazan Wins Big as Likud Rep on Knesset Committees

Likud faction chairman, MK Tzahi Hanegbi, was able to come to an agreement on Monday with all Likud MKs as to their appointments to various Knesset committees and positions. 

The big winner was freshman MK Oren Hazan, who got his wish to serve on all the significant Knesset committees. The disgruntled Hazan, who days ago asserted he was not being taken seriously, will also serve as Deputy Knesset Speaker for the first half of his term.

Hazan will serve for two years as Deputy Knesset Speaker – the first year together with MK Nurit Koren and the second year with MK Nava Boker. Boker and Koren will hold the position jointly in the third and fourth years of the term. 

Hanegbi will serve as the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee; Likud MKs Yoav Kish, Anat Berko, Oren Hazan and Avi Dichter were also appointed to sit on this committee. 

MK Mickey Zohar will be Likud’s point person on the Finance Committee, chaired by coalition partner, United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni. MKs Hazan, Boker, Koren, as well as MK Yaron Mazuz will all be members of this committee. 

MK Benny Begin, who resigned Sunday from the government, will serve a full term on the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. MKs Berko and Zohar will serve in rotation. 

MK David Biton will serve as the chairman of the House Committee in the first and fourth years of the term, while Kish will be chairman in the second and third years. Likud MKs on the committee include Avraham Nagosa, Hazan and Zohar.

Nagosa, who immigrated from Ethiopia in 1985, will serve as chairman of the Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee, while MK David Amsalem will serve as chairman of the Internal Affairs and Environment Committee. 

The only Likud MK who requested to serve as a member of the Status of Women Committee was Benny Begin. 

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