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svgadminsvgJanuary 5, 2016svgNews

Officer killed in IDF training accident

An IDF officer in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, also known as Nahal Haredi, was killed and another soldier was lightly to moderately wounded on Tuesday in a tragic training accident.

The accident took place at the national center for ground drills at Tze’elim Base in the Negev, and involved a mortar round fired as part of a demonstration by the Netzah Yehuda Battalion.

The wounded soldier was evacuated to receive medical treatment at Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva. The killed soldier was named as first sergeant Yishai Rozales.

Ground forces commander Maj. Gen. Guy Tzur ordered that the drills be cancelled until an initial investigation of the accident is completed.

Tzur appointed an investigative team of experts headed by armored corps head Col. Ofir Levy.


Evacuation of wounded in accident Courtesy of Midabrim Communications

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