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svgadminsvgSeptember 8, 2015svgNews

Obama Wins Enough Support to Thwart Vote on Iran Deal

US President Barack Obama sustained a major victory on Tuesday after three more Democratic Senators announced their support for the Iran nuclear deal. 

Obama now has the support of 41 Senators, paving the way for a filibuster to prevent a vote on a Republican-backed resolution to keep sanctions against the Islamic Republic in place and reject the accord. 

Despite their reservations, Democratic Senators Richard Blumenthal (CT), Gary Peters (MI) and Ron Wyden (OR) all announced support on Tuesday for the deal.

“While this is not the agreement I would have accepted at the negotiating table, it is better than no deal at all,” Blumenthal asserted.

“This agreement with the duplicitous and untrustworthy Iranian regime falls short of what I had envisioned, however I have decided the alternatives are even more dangerous,” Wyden wrote.

Added Peters, “Despite my serious concerns with this agreement, I have unfortunately become convinced that we are faced with no viable alternative.”

Also on Tuesday, however, Joe Manchin of West Virginia became the fourth Democratic Senator to announce his opposition to the nuclear deal with Iran.

Manchin said he “could not ignore the fact that Iran, the country that will benefit most from sanctions being lifted, refuses to change its 36-year history of sponsoring terrorism.

“I cannot gamble our security, and that of our allies, on the hope that Iran will conduct themselves differently than it has for the last 36 years,” the Senator added. 

With the overwhelming number of senators now backing the deal, they will likely be able to kill the Republican resolution against the agreement directly in the Senate and save Obama from having to use his veto. 

Such a move could have given the impression the US President was going against the will of the American people. 

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