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svgadminsvgJanuary 15, 2015svgNews

Obama and Cameron: We Will Defeat These Barbaric Killers

In the wake of a spate of deadly terror attacks across France last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron and United States President Barack Obama have vowed to stand united against Islamic terrorism. 

In a joint editorial published Thursday in The Times, the two world leaders noted that security was necessary for economic strength and that they would work together to combat terrorism.

The editorial, titled “We Won’t Let the Voice of Freedom Be Muzzled,” was published on the eve of a state visit by Cameron to the US capital Washington. 

Cameron and Obama are expected to work on concluding a massive trade deal between the US and the European Union, which hit a stumbling block this week. 

“We will continue to stand together against those who threaten our values and our way of life,” the two leaders wrote in the editorial.

“When the freedoms that we treasure came under a brutal attack in Paris, the world responded with one voice.”

Continuing, the leaders outlined their plan to stand together against terrorism.

Along with our French allies, we’ve made clear to those who think they can muzzle freedom of speech and expression with violence that our voices will only grow louder.”

Whether we are facing lone fanatics or terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda, Islamic State or Boko Haram, we will not be cowed by extremists. We will defeat these barbaric killers and their distorted ideology which tries to justify the murder of innocents,” the pair wrote. 

Obama and Cameron concluded their editorial by stating their intentions to place continued pressure and sanctions on Russia over “aggressive actions” in Ukraine. 

“If we allow such fundamental breaches of international law to go unchecked, we will all suffer from the instability that would follow. Our strong and united response has sent an unmistakable message that the international community will not stand by as Russia attempts to destabilize Ukraine,” Cameron and Obama wrote.

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