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svgadminsvgJanuary 23, 2016svgNews

Norwegian Ambassador meets with Hamas terror chief

Norwegian Ambassador to Lebanon Lene Lind met last Wednesday with Ali Baraka, a senior Hamas official in Lebanon who functions as the terrorist organization’s representative in the country.

According to the Hamas daily Palestine, the two discussed the status of Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon, as well as UNRWA’s intentions to limit its services to the Palestinian “refugees.”

UNRWA, the UN body working with the descendants of Arab residents who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence, has completely different protocols than UNHRC which works with all other refugees. UNRWA recipients “inherit” refugee status indefinitely, and it does not integrate or naturalize them into their host state. No UN organization was established to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees who fled or were expelled from Arab countries following 1948, losing their property and possessions.

The Norwegian Ambassador promised to pass along the Hamas representative’s demands to continue the economic support and services to her government.

Lind likewise “expressed her understanding for the suffering of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon,” according to the report. Palestinian Arabs have numerous limitations placed on them by Lebanon, including regarding professional fields they can engage in.

The Ambassador previously served as Deputy Head of Mission at the Norwegian Embassy in Tel Aviv from 2005 to 2009, where she also was the “principal diplomatic liaison for the Temporary International Presence in Hebron, Palestine,” according to the Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon’s website.

The Norwegian diplomat’s meeting with the representative of the terror group comes amid revelations that foreign governments are the major sources of funds for radical leftist NGOs in Israel working to undermine the state. Norway was found to be the second largest donor to 27 NGOs investigated in a recent NGO Monitor report published late last week.

For his part, Ali Baraka has voiced his full support for the current Arab terror wave engulfing Israel since last September, backing the murder of Jews in stabbings, car rammings, shootings and other attacks.

On his Facebook page, Baraka wrote: “the struggle is our option and path to achieve victory, liberation and return…Hamas is committed to the right of return, and full liberation of the occupied lands from the sea to the river, from the Galilee to the Negev.”

His comment indicates Hamas’s intentions to obliterate the Jewish state, and the group’s charter indeed features a call for the genocide of all Jews.

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