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svgadminsvgAugust 30, 2013svgNews

New Iron Dome Battery in Gush Dan

A battery of the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system has been deployed in the Gush Dan area near Tel Aviv.

The move was in preparation for a scenario resulting in an attack on Syria over its reported use of chemical weapons against its citizens last week. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that Israel had deployed its Iron Dome system to meet its current security needs.

“We have decided to deploy Iron Dome and other interceptors,” Netanyahu said Thursday night in a statement as he went into security talks at the defense ministry in Tel Aviv.

A report from IDF radio, Galei Tzahal, confirmed that a battery of the mobile system was set up during Friday morning in the greater Tel Aviv area.

IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz has also addressed the situation in Syria and said that although Israel may face tough times, the Israeli public should continue with its normal routine.

“Israel is about to face challenging times. We have no part in the events unfolding around us but in the event that the fire turns toward Israel, it is clear to every leader in the region and in the world that a heavy price will be paid and the loss to our enemies will be scathing,” Gantz said, according to the IDF’s website.

The Israeli public recently participated in a poll published by Maariv newspaper, on Friday, which showed that 77 percent of respondents said that if Washington decides not to strike Assad’s regime, Israel should not take unilateral military action.

Eleven percent, however, did think that Israel should launch a strike if nobody else was prepared to do so. Twelve percent had no opinion according to the poll of 519 people, which had a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

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