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svgadminsvgOctober 23, 2011svgFacts & Solutions

New Financial Aid in Jerusalem for IDF Veterans

Israel’s Cabinet on Sunday unanimously approved new financial aid for higher education for discharged soldiers and national service graduates.

Full scholarships worth NIS 9,300 for the first year’s tuition will be granted to all those who are eligible, according to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Until this point, such scholarships were available to discharged soldiers and National Service veterans who chose to learn at educational institutions located in the periphery.

However, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev told Arutz Sheva Sunday afternoon, “What we did today was extend that privilege to those who want to learn in Jerusalem.

“It is our way of expanding and strengthening the student base in the capital,” he said.

The initiative, which will cost the government NIS 25 million, is being added to the NIS 80 million that has already been invested in the financial aid for the first year’s tuition in periphery towns.

“This is a giant reform, the results of which may already be seen on the ground in pupils’ achievements and in higher education,” Netanyahu said at the Cabinet meeting.

Deputy Minister Gila Gamliel, who promoted the initiative, added, “The law will lead to a positive revolution in higher education in Israel.” She contended that the financial aid would significantly reduce gaps in Israeli society, and “make higher education more accessible.”

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