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svgadminsvgMarch 11, 2012svgNews

Netanyahu: We’ll Hit Anyone Who Plans to Harm Us

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visited southern Israel on Sunday to see local defense systems close-up, and to show his support.

“I came here to express solidarity with residents of this region, and to show my appreciation for the IDF and Shin Bet for their wonderful work,” the prime minister said.

“My guideline is as follows: to strike anyone who plans to harm us,” he continued, adding, “The IDF is dealing heavy blows to terror organizations.”

One of Netanyahu’s stops was at an Iron Dome anti-missile system battery, where he spoke to the young soldiers manning the system. “You are doing exceptional work,” he told them.

The Iron Dome system has successfully blocked 90% of the several dozen rockets and missiles fired at southern Israel since Friday.

Netanyahu praised residents of southern Israel as well, saying their courage is key to Israel’s success. “The combination of offensive capability, defensive capability and citizens’ resilience – that is the winning combination, and we have it,” he declared.

Mayors of southern cities met with Netanyahu, explained the security-related challenges they have faced over the past two days, and requested immediate assistance.

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