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svgadminsvgSeptember 9, 2015svgNews

Netanyahu to Meet Kerry in New York

State Department Spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday night that Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the course of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in late September.

The Prime Minister’s Bureau confirmed the report to Arutz Sheva.

Netanyahu would like to be invited to meet with President Barack Obama as well, but such an invitation has yet to be issued.

Sources in the Obama administration said that Obama intends to invite Netanyahu to meet him, but only after Congress votes on removing sanctions on Iran.

Kerry phoned Netanyahu over the weekend, the State Department said on Tuesday.

According to Kirby, in the telephone call, Kerry discussed Iran with Netanyahu and also reaffirmed the US’s commitment to Israel’s security.

“The secretary and the prime minister reiterated the need to continue pushing back on Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region, and he agreed to continue to have these discussions in the coming weeks,” Kirby was quoted by Reuters as having said at a news briefing.

“The secretary reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security and continued military and security relationship,” he added.

Kirby said Kerry and Netanyahu discussed a range of issues, including their concerns over media reports of potential Russian military buildup in Syria, Moscow’s longtime ally.

Details of the phone call emerged just hours after President Barack Obama secured 41 votes in the Senate for the nuclear deal with Iran, just enough to block a final vote on a measure of disapproval.

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