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svgadminsvgSeptember 18, 2014svgNews

Netanyahu Speaks to Sa’ar Following Resignation

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on Wednesday evening with Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar, hours after Sa’ar unexpectedly announced his upcoming resignation from politics. 

“I respect your decision to take a break from public life,” Netanyahu told Sa’ar, adding, “I thank you for your many years of public service in the government, the Knesset and the Likud movement”.

President Reuven Rivlin also responded to Sa’ar’s surprising announcement, writing on Facebook that Gideon Saar is a man of action.

“I feel sorry over his announcement, which comes at a time when we’re facing so many challenges. I wish him great success wherever he goes,” he wrote.

Earlier, Sa’ar announced he will hand his resignation in after the holidays later this month.

He stressed that while he “represented Likud’s policies,” he would be leaving politics entirely in a matter of weeks.

“In the past two years, against the backdrop of changes in my personal life, I have decided to take a break from public life,” Sa’ar announced. “It is difficult for me to leave, and there is always a reason why not to do so.”

The decision has been a long time in coming, he explained – for at least two years – but he decided not to damage Likud’s chances in the 2012 Knesset elections.

Responding to Sa’ar’s announcement, MKs and ministers said his resignation will ripple throughout the political system and expressed hope for his eventual return.

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