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svgadminsvgOctober 3, 2014svgNews

Netanyahu Returns to Israel, Praises ‘National Mission’ to US

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu landed at Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion Airport on Friday morning, hours before the beginning of Yom Kippur and after making an eventful visit to Washington. 

“I went out on a national mission on behalf of the citizens of Israel,” Netanyahu said upon landing. “I told our truth on the UN podium at the White House and other meetings that I held.”

“A gmar chatima tova, [a good year] for all Israeli citizens,” he added. 

Netanyahu’s visit included campaigning for Israel to the US and to the world.

A highly charged speech at the UN uncovered the UN Human Rights’ Council’s – and Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s – hypocrisy over accusing Israel of “war crimes” during Operation Protective Edge. Netanyahu also championed the cause of the West working together to combat global jihad. 

Then, Netanyahu met with US President Barack Obama at the Oval Office, where he reportedly discussed the US-Israel relationship, the Gaza war, Iran, and Islamic State (ISIS). 

“We had a deep conversation for two hours,” said Netanyahu. “We spoke about the new realities in the region and how to advance the peace process. We spoke at length about the Iranian issue and the danger of it developing nuclear weapons.”

Netanyahu said that he spoke with Obama about ISIS, saying “Israel supports the battle against ISIS. We have an agreement with the United States that there is a new Middle East.”

Netanyahu also reportedly spoke to Obama about the release of longtime prisoner and convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, who will be marking his thirtieth year in US prison. 

In addition, he defended Israeli building in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, telling Obama to “check the facts” before criticizing the plans. 

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