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admin April 24, 2012 News

Netanyahu: Our Comfort – the Building of Zion

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu quoted a passage from the Prophet Isaiah – “be comforted, be comforted, my people” (Isaiah 40:1) – in a message for Remembrance Day for the IDF’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror.

“My brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the bereaved families, our loved one’s consciences are what led them to stand proudly to face the enemy. Our conscience is what will lead us to stand with our eyes closed [at the remembrance ceremony], to remember but also to look to the future,” he wrote.

“On this day, the nation of Israel puts aside all of the disagreements and stands like one person, with a united heart, at your side. On this day we remember the fallen of Israel’s wars, each and every one of our loved ones. Each of them had a family. Every name has its own life story, a complete world that was cut off prematurely. 

“As a son of a bereaved family, Remembrance Day has special meaning for me. This day is not just a day of national memory – it is also a private memorial day for me and for my family, as it is for you.”

“At the end of Remembrance Day the State of Israel will celebrate its 64th birthday,” Netanyahu continued. “The unbreakable connection between Remembrance Day and Yom HaAtzmaut makes clear that our loved ones, who fell in the battles of Israel, did not fall for nothing. Thanks to them, the state was established. Thanks to them, the state of Israel continues to develop and flourish, and thanks to them, the young generation will be able to live their lives in security and peace. 

“I can tell you, ‘Be comforted, be comforted, my people.’ Take comfort in the building of the land, take comfort in the building of Zion, and may you know no more pain.”

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