Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday evening reiterated that the deal reached between the West and Iran over its nuclear program was dangerous and a mistake.
“As we learn more and more details about the agreement that was achieved last night in Geneva, it becomes increasingly clear how bad and dangerous this agreement is to the world, the region and Israel,” Netanyahu said in a speech at the EMET Prize award ceremony in Jerusalem.
“Iran is receiving billions of dollars in eased sanctions without having to pay any real price. Iran is receiving written approval to violate UN Security Council resolutions,” he added. “To a large degree, this agreement rescues Iran from the pressure it has been under and also gives it international legitimacy to continue its nuclear program. This is a bad agreement.”
Shortly after his remarks on Sunday evening, Netanyahu received a phone call from U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss the deal.
“The two leaders reaffirmed their shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” deputy White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.
“Consistent with our commitment to consult closely with our Israeli friends, the president told the prime minister that he wants the United States and Israel to begin consultations immediately regarding our efforts to negotiate a comprehensive solution,” he added.
On Sunday morning at the weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said that “Israel is not bound by this agreement” and added that the agreement “is not a historic agreement; it is a historic mistake.”
He continued, “Today the world has become a more dangerous place, because the most dangerous regime in the world took another step towards achieving the most dangerous weapon in the world.”
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry hit out at critics of the deal, saying that those who criticize it have a responsibility to “tell people what the better alternative is.”
Meanwhile, a group of 15 top senators vowed Sunday to impose more sanctions on Iran despite the deal reached with the West.
The group of 15 senators included Democrats Bob Cardin of Maryland and Bob Menendez of New Jersey, as well as Republicans Bob Corker of Tennessee and John Cornyn of Texas.