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svgadminsvgJune 26, 2014svgNews

Netanyahu: Impending Agreement with Iran is Very Bad

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday warned against the impending nuclear deal between Iran and the West.

Speaking at the at the Israel Air Force pilots’ course graduation ceremony, Netanyahu compared the Iran agreement with the project in Syria to remove its chemical arsenal.

“Above all, we have to prevent the forces of radical Islam from obtaining weapons of mass destruction. It’s being done these days in relation to the chemical weapons in Syria and this job must be finished, but I must express my fear that it will not be done in relation to Iran’s nuclear capabilities,” he said.

“In Syria, the agreement was about breaking down and taking out, the emerging agreement with Iran is about preservation and inspection. While in Syria there is supervision and removal of the chemicals and the ability to produce chemical weapons, it seems that the upcoming agreement with Iran will allow it to preserve the material and ability,” warned Netanyahu.

“Unfortunately all indications are that this is what will happen with Iran, and if that is so, it will it be a bad, bad thing which is dangerous for the region and the entire world and we must say this without fear,” he added.

Netanyahu’s warnings were made amid reports that, 24 days ahead of a deadline for an agreement between western powers and Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program, Jerusalem is worried that the deal will leave Iran with thousands of nuclear centrifuges.

Israel is preparing an intensive diplomatic push in the coming days in an effort to head off what it views as a dangerous emerging agreement the Iranian nuclear program.

Netanyahu reportedly called home his ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, for urgent consultations on the matter, and spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Israel will also hold a series of consultations with representatives of the six powers that are negotiating with Iran ahead of their meeting next Wednesday in Vienna.

Iran and the six powers, also known as the P5+1, are striving to turn an interim deal signed in November into a comprehensive settlement by July 20.

So far there has been little progress and Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said last week that Iran rejected the West’s “excessive demands”.

At the same time, Zarif previously indicated  that the sides have started drafting a comprehensive agreement, though “there are still many differences” over the text.

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