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svgadminsvgApril 20, 2015svgNews

Netanyahu Faces Uphill Battle to Form Coalition

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu received a 14-day extension Monday in which to cobble together a new ruling coalition and he’ll likely need it as conflicting party demands get messier and messier. 

Likud members revealed to coalition partners Monday night that after the formation of a new government, they will try to re-enact a law that bypasses the High Court, allowing the Knesset to approve legislation that was previously struck down by the court. 

Under the new proposal, Likud members said, according to Channel Ten, it will take only a majority of 61 MKs to reestablish a law rejected by the High Court. 

The second matter on Likud members’ agenda is changing the composition of the Nominating Committee for High Court judges. They aim to place four politicians on the committee out of nine total members. 

It should be noted that these two initiatives are versions of demands presented two weeks ago by Jewish Home as part of their more legislative-related conditions to joining a Likud-led government. 

Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu party announced to Likud in return Monday that it opposed such initiatives and would not be willing to vote for them in the Knesset plenum. 

With that, as well as continued issues over ministerial positions, Netanyahu seems to be in the midst of a serious crisis. 

One major problem is which portfolio to give Shas chairman Aryeh Deri. Party members have told Likud representatives that the Interior Ministry without the directorship of the Planning Committee is unacceptable. 

Netanyahu was planning to compensate Shas with the religious affairs portfolio, until he encountered serious resistance from Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett, who threatened to cease talks completely should that happen. 

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