Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took part in a Taglit-Birthright Israel mega event on Wednesday night in Jerusalem’s Binyanei Hauma International Convention Center, where he spoke about the terror attacks in Paris last week.
Speaking about an event on Sunday, Netanyahu said “I was proud to represent Israel alongside world leaders as we marched in Paris, united in the fight against terrorism.”
“The French citizens rightfully proclaimed ‘Je suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’ in reference to Charlie Hebdo – ed.), but the relevant question remains: can Jews everywhere march in the streets and proclaim “Je suis Juif” (‘I am a Jew’)?” he posed, after four Jews were murdered in a kosher supermarket in Paris last Friday.
Netanyahu continued “in Israel every Jew can say ‘I am a Jew,’ without any fear or hesitation and with great pride. I call on all the Jews around the world; come to Israel, this is your land, this is your birthright and the only place you can proudly proclaim ‘I am a Jew.'”
The event on Wednesday night celebrated Taglit-Birthright Israel’s 15th anniversary, commemorating the organization’s work in bringing young Jews on free visits to Israel.
Taglit co-founders Michael and Judy Steinhardt were present, as were members of the Birthright Israel Foundation’s Benefactors circle, CEO of Taglit-Birthright Israel Gidi Mark, and thousands of Taglit-Birthright Israel participants from the US, Russia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Israel.
“Through the years, Taglit has proven itself as a leader in strengthening of Jewish identity,” said Taglit CEO Gidi Mark. “The young Jewish adults, who visit Israel with Taglit, represent a strong and unbreakable bond between Israel and the Diaspora. This bond has become highly notable this week among the Jewish community of France.”
During the event there was a highly charged and moving moment as the thousands of participants rose to stand in silence in memory of Yoav Hattab, the son of Tunisia’s chief rabbi and one of the victims of last week’s attacks, who visited Israel with Taglit just two weeks ago.