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svgadminsvgApril 16, 2015svgNews

Nationalist TV Satire Censored Again

A skit on Israel’s first-ever televised nationalist satire show, We’ll Be the Judge, was banned from the airwaves by Channel 1‘s Editor in Chief, Yona Weisenthal. It will therefore not be aired when the show is broadcast Friday.

The segment featured a game show in which contestants were presented with phrases and asked whether they refer to the Holocaust or to the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was responsible for the 1993 Oslo Accords.

The phrases include “the government of Israel announces in shock” – which was uttered by Rabin’s chief of staff as he announced Rabin’s death, as well as “we shall not forget and we shall not forgive,” and “we haven’t learned a thing,” which have been used with regard to both events.

The skit apparently mocks leftists as being obsessively preoccupied with the Rabin assassination, even 20 years down the line.

Weisenthal said that the skit had “exceeded the bounds of good taste.”

“The Israel Broadcast Authority enables creative freedom and even encourages it,” said the governmental authority to whom Channel 1 belongs. “And yet, this skit, which touches upon the Holocaust, is very far out of the bounds of good taste, even if this is a satirical show.”

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