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admin February 7, 2012 News

Nasrallah: We’ll Decide How to React to Israeli Strike in Iran

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah addressed on Tuesday the Israeli assumption that in the event of an Israeli attack in Iran, his terror group will respond and fire rockets at Israel.

In a speech he gave and which was quoted by Israel’s Channel 2 News, Nasrallah stressed that his organization has full freedom of action in the event of an attack on Iranian territory.

“That same day, if it happens, I tell you now, Imam Khamenei and the Iranian leadership will not ask for anything, not of Hizbullah, not of someone else,” Nasrallah was quoted as having said.

He added, “They did not ask for anything nor did they dictate anything. On that day, we’re the ones who will have to sit and think and decide what to do.”

The media has been rampant with speculations in recent months that Israel is planning to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

On Friday, a report on NBC revealed what an Israeli attack on Iran may look like. The report, which was based on conversations the American network held with current and former officials in Israel and the United States, suggested that an attack on Iran will combine air and ground faces but will not include naval forces.

The officials interviewed said that the attack will be led by the Israeli artillery, which will use Jericho 2 missiles that have a range of 2,500 kilometers. The report also says the artillery will be assisted by F-15i aircraft and Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The officials also told NBC that the operation will include ground units, but that they will not be involved in the actual attacks, focusing instead on marking targets or collecting intelligence.

U.S. President Barack Obama, however, said this week he does not think Israel has decided whether to attack Iran over its disputed nuclear program. He added that Israel is rightfully worried about its security if Iran achieves nuclear capability.

Obama reiterated that the United States has not removed any options from consideration in dealing with Iran, but emphasized the U.S. wants a diplomatic solution built around a world coalition.

On Tuesday it was reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his top officials to stop “blabbing” about a potential military strike targeting Iran’s nuclear program.

According to the Hebrew-language Maariv, Netanyahu earlier this week took a number of military officials and government ministers to task for speaking too freely about Israel’s military plans.

“Stop blabbing, already,” he reportedly told the officials. “This chit-chat causes huge damage, puts Israel on the front line, and undermines sanctions” imposed by the United States and Europe.

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