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svgadminsvgFebruary 20, 2012svgNews

Mubarak’s Wife Threatens Obama Over Husband’s Imprisonment

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s wife, Suzanne Mubarak, has sent U.S. President Barack Obama a threat that if he does not prevent the transfer of her husband to a prison hospital, she will disclose the identities of U.S. agents operating in Egypt.

The report on Suzanne Mubarak’s threat was posted on Monday to the website of the independent Israeli newspaper Megaphone. It quoted a report in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Mukhtasar.

According to the report, Suzanne Mubarak made it clear that she is very familiar with the identities and roles of American agents who operate in Egypt, due to her closeness to the Egyptian security elite. She reportedly threatened Obama that if he does not work against the current regime’s intention to transfer her husband she will reveal the information she knows.

Two weeks ago, Egyptian officials said that Mubarak will shortly be moved to the Tora prison in Cairo as soon as the facility is upgraded to house him.

Since his arrest last April, Mubarak has been held in custody first at a hospital in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh and later at a military hospital outside Cairo.

Mubarak’s trial resumed in Cairo last month after having dragged on for months. The prosecutor later announced that he is seeking the death penalty for the man who led the nation for more than 30 years.

According to Egyptian media reports, Suzanne Mubarak fears that her husband’s physical condition will deteriorate in the new prison, which may be the reason for her threats. Other reports said that Mubarak himself has hinted that if he is jailed in Tora, he will commit suicide.

Meanwhile on Monday, Egypt’s General Prosecutor said that he had been unable to prove that any foreign power or organization had been involved in the violence against Egyptians during the uprising against Mubarak last year.

The prosecutor, Mustafa Suleiman, made the statement during closing arguments in the trial of Mubarak Monday.

One of Mubarak’s lines of defense has been that the violence was incited by “foreign agents” who wanted to make him look bad, but Suleiman said that no evidence had been uncovered to implicate any outside intervention, not on the part of Israel, Iran, Hizbullah or Hamas. The responsibility for the violence rested solely on the shoulders of Mubarak and his administration.

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