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svgadminsvgJuly 10, 2013svgNews

Mossad Nabs Terror Suspect in Egypt

A Beersheva court has partially lifted a gag order on a Mossad operation in the Sinai Desert, which led to the arrest of a Palestinian terror suspect.

According to Yediot Aharonot, Wael Abu Rida – a resident of the Gaza Strip – was nabbed in June for unspecified “offences against national security.” The Beersheva Magistrates Court extended his remand by an additional eight days on Wednesday, and further extended a partial gagging order by another ten days.

Abu Rida’s wife told the Palestinian Ma’an news agency that her husband disappeared whilst visiting Egypt for “medical treatment.”

The case has already been compared to the arrest of another Palestinian terror suspect – also a resident of Gaza – on foreign soil.

In February 2011, Dirar Adu-Sisi was arrested by as he travelled on a train in Ukraine. He later reappeared in Israeli custody, accused of developing long-range rockets and mortar-rounds for Hamas, as well as armour-piercing missiles for use against IDF vehicles.

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