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svgadminsvgApril 27, 2015svgNews

Moshael Straus Elected Chair of YU Board of Trustees

Moshael J. Straus has been elected as the next chairman of Yeshiva University’s Board of Trustees. Elected to the board in 1998, he currently serves as its vice chairman. 

Straus, an accomplished investment executive and YU alumnus, will begin his term on July 1. He succeeds Dr. Henry Kressel, who joined the board in 2005 and has served as its chairman since 2009. 

“Moshael’s judgment and counsel on a variety of major issues over these past few years have proved invaluable to the board and to me personally,” said Kressel.” I look forward to working with him as he helps lead Yeshiva University forward with excellence.”

“The chairmanship of the trustees of Yeshiva University is one of the premiere lay fiduciary Jewish positions in the world,” said YU President Richard M. Joel.

“Moshael has been, is, and will be a fabulous partner in that endeavor. He has earned the respect of all his lay colleagues and the professional leadership of the University through his commitment, his analytic skills, his profound Jewish investment, and his philanthropic leadership.”

Straus is also the chairman of the Board of Overseers of YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and  Administration and is a member of the Board of Trustees of YU-affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS).

“I am extremely honored to succeed Dr. Henry Kressel, who has led the Board with extraordinary vision, responsibility and dedication,” said Straus of the appointment. 

Both Straus and his wife Zahava have a long history of philanthropic giving to higher education, communal and Jewish causes, including various initiatives at Yeshiva University. 

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