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svgadminsvgDecember 8, 2011svgNews

More Rockets Fired into Southern Israel

The rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel continues, and terrorists fired several Qassam rockets shortly before midnight (Israel time) on Thursday.

The rockets exploded in open areas in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. There were no reports of physical injuries or damage.

Prior to that, a Grad missile was launched from Gaza and exploded near Netivot. There were no reports of physical injuries or damage.

IDF Radio reported that residents of southern Israel have been asked to remain near protected spaces due to the repeated attacks.

Earlier on Thursday, a pair of Qassam rockets fired from northern Gaza struck near a roadway between the Sha’ar Hanegev and Sdot Negev regional councils in the Negev region.

A Grad missile also landed in the outskirts of Beer Sheva. No physical injuries or property damage were reported from the attacks.

Local sources said the “Color Red” alert siren was not initiated in the Gaza belt during the attack. Security officials said they are investigating the failure.

The latest rocket attacks come after the IDF killed two Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists in an air strike on a vehicle in Gaza.

One of the two dead was a senior terror mastermind who had coordinated numerous attacks against Israeli civilians.

Both were members of a terrorist cell belonging to the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades organization, according to the IDF, who added the cell had been planning to infiltrate Israel’s border to carry out another attack.

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