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svgadminsvgMay 24, 2016svgNews

MK Zohar changes mind, won’t resign from Knesset

MK Mickey Zohar (Likud) announced on Tuesday evening that he has changed his mind and would not be resigning from the Knesset after all.

Zohar had met on Monday afternoon with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and reportedly informed the Prime Minister that he intended to leave the Knesset for “personal reasons”.

Zohar said on Tuesday that he intends to continue to serve the public and fulfill his role as coalition coordinator in the Finance Committee as the state budget is prepared for approval. The announcement came following a meeting between Zohar and coalition chairman MK David Bitan.

“After many conversations with the Prime Minister and the coalition leadership over the past day, and given the many moving requests from Likud central committee members, MKs and ministers, I decided to put my personal considerations aside on and to continue to faithfully serve the public,” he said.

“With the support of my wife, family and friends I will continue to act with full force for the benefit of the public who sent me to the Knesset. I thank the many friends who asked me to stay and expressed their confidence in me. I promise not to disappoint you,” added Zohar.

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