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svgadminsvgDecember 20, 2011svgNews

MK Schneller’s Vehicle Firebombed by Terrorists

Kadima MK Otniel Schneller was a victim of Arab terrorism on Tuesday, when his car was firebombed twice as he was driving near the Binaymin community of Ofra, on his way to Hanukkah candle lighting at his daughter’s home in Neve Tzuf, northeast of the city of Modiin.

Schneller’s wife and two of his grandchildren were in the vehicle with him. The first firebomb was thrown at them as they were traveling near Ofra. The firebomb hit the road and as Schneller drove around it, a second firebomb was thrown, this one hitting very close to the back of the vehicle.

Schneller, who has been a target of firebombs three times in the past, immediately called the Binyamin police and informed them of the incident.

The incident was condemned by the National Union party, with the party’s young leadership saying, “This is an extremely serious incident which luckily did not end in disaster and casualties.”

“Fortunately, MK Schneller was unhurt but this is not self-evident. The left and the media have forgotten who Israel’s real enemies are. When you shed the blood of settlers for two weeks, generalize and blame everyone for price tag incidents, it’s no wonder that Arab terrorism has reared its head. The terrorists understand the signs.”

National Union Chairman MK Yaakov Katz also condemned the incident and called on the Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Defense Minister to act to stop the wave of condemnation of the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria.

“Instead of making themselves busy with attacking and condemning the settlers who are the backbone of the army, they should fight the terrorism which raised its head today, as soon as the embarrassing prisoner exchange deal was completed,” Katz said. “The Prime Minister and Minister of Defense are responsible for the out-of-control security situation which affects civilians and public officials alike.”

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