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svgadminsvgJanuary 21, 2015svgNews

MK Mualem: Tel Aviv Attack a ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Peace Camp

MK Shuli Mualem (Jewish Home) said on Wednesday evening that the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv was a wake-up call to people who still think peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is possible.

“The attack today is another wake-up call for the peace camp to arise from its disillusionment,” said Mualem, who spoke at a conference at the Dead Sea.

She criticized PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the unilateral steps he has taken against Israel, saying, “Just as the Palestinians are running to The Hague, the Israeli government should approve as soon as the Levy Report” which conclusively proved that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is legal under international law.

“This should be the answer to terrorism,” said Mualem.

23-year-old terrorist Hamza Mohammed Hassan Matruk, a resident of Tulkarem, carried out Wednesday morning’s attack against Israeli commuters on the number 40 bus in central Tel Aviv, wounding at least 20 people, among them three seriously.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said the attack was “a direct result of the toxic incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority against Jews and their state.”

Sure enough, barely two hours after Matruk’s bloody rampage, Palestinian Arab media outlets were already churning out cartoons glorifying the act.

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