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svgadminsvgOctober 11, 2011svgNews

MK Levin: Court System Rotten, Needs ‘Root Canal’ Job

Knesset House Committee Chairman MK Yariv Levin used unusually direct words to blast the Supreme Court, in an interview for the Our Land of Israel weekly brochure. 

“It is no secret that the legal system and especially the Supreme Court have been taken over by a minority ultra-leftist group that tries to dictate its values to the entire society,” Levin accused. The clique perpetuates its rule in the system by which “a friend brings a friend” into the Supreme Court and the other branches have little say in the matter.

“The legal system is rotten,” Levin said, and “clearly politically motivated.” When Jews ask for permission to build in Judea and Samaria, he said, the plans are rejected, yet Arabs build freely and illegally. 

Levin said that he was aware that what he said could come under severe criticism and hinted that people who dared speak out against the system in the past suddenly found themselves facing legal charges that were “born” out of nowhere.

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