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svgadminsvgJune 15, 2015svgNews

MK Hazan Accused of Sexual Harassment

Allegations against freshman MK Oren Hazan (Likud) keep rolling in, with a number of his former female employees claiming Monday that he exploited his position as their boss and sexually harassed them. 

According to the Channel 10 report, the alleged sexual harassment occurred between 2011-2012 while Hazan was serving as the owner and manager of the bar “Hotel Fleischer” in Tel Aviv. 

One of the women, identified only as M, described Hazan’s conduct. 

“We entered into a cramped space, just me and him, and he didn’t have any problem to rub up against someone while walking, and physically grab a person’s waist,” she said.

“He also pressed his groin into my backside, as if by accident,” M continued. “He used to say ‘I touched you by mistake, so you won’t say that I did something wrong.'”

M then described the uncomfortable feelings she experienced when alone with MK Hazan. 

“Oren never walks by you without touching you,” she claims. “I was afraid of being alone with alone, afraid he would get drunk and I would be alone with him. He could dance on the bar, take off his shirt, take off his pants – anything could happen.”

M also claimed that Hazan would often invite her to his apartment with the intention of sleeping with her. 

The latest allegations come exactly one week after Channel 2 published an expose on the MK, alleging he ran a casino in Bulgaria, arranged call girl services for casino guests, and took drugs. 

Hazan vehemently denied the claims set to be broadcast on Channel 10’s “HaTzinor” program later Monday night. 

“After you claimed I was a drug dealer, a pimp and a spy, it’s only obvious and predictable that you would come now with these cheap and low accusations, which are not true,” Hazan charged. 

“The only goal [of these allegations] is a targeted assassination against a Knesset member, who you’ve made your punching bag.”

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