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svgadminsvgSeptember 3, 2012svgNews

MK Danon’s New Book Calls for ‘Three-State Solution’

MK Danny Danon (Likud) is set to launch a new book which explains in very clear terms his positions against the two-state solution and about Israel’s rights to its land.

The book, “Israel: The Will to Prevail”, can already be bought from Arutz Sheva’s Yoni Kempinski sat down with Danon to hear about the book and in particular about Danon’s view of the relations between Israel and the United States as he highlights them in the book.

“In the book I speak very directly about what Israel should do regarding the connection with the U.S., regarding the connection with the Middle East and regarding the two-state solution,” said Danon.

“We’ve been discussiing the two-state solution for 20 years and it’s time to say enough,” he added. “I do not believe in a two-state solution. I’m putting a new paradigm in this book and telling the people who love us: let’s think about a three-state solution – Israel, Jordan and Egypt.”

Addressing U.S.-Israel relations, Danon clarified that the relations “are amazing. We have a lot of support from the American people, from the Congress and the Senate, but there is a crisis between the White House and Jerusalem. What we saw coming from President Obama was new.”

“The attitude that President Obama took, adopting all the Palestinian positions, telling us not to build in Jerusalem or in Judea and Samaria and the way he tried to bully our Prime Minister was a precedent,” he said. “When you look at the main issues regarding the conflict with the Palestinians, Obama was not a friend of Israel.”

There is a large gap between Obama’s vision for the Middle East and what is actually happening in the region, said Danon.

“He’s trying to force his dreams on the Middle East. It doesn’t work that way,” he said. “Thank G-d Prime Minister Netanyahu didn’t go the way Obama tried to force him to go, because if he had, we would have seen the chaos in Egypt today also happening in Judea and Samaria.”

“We have to speak about what is good for Israel, and I believe that the three-state solution is what’s good for Israel. We’ve tried ‘peace’ twice: with the Oslo Accords and with the disengagement from Gaza. It doesn’t work. We need to think of something else.”

Danon intends to translate the book into Hebrew and perhaps even into other languages and his aim, as he put it, is “to create a debate. I want people to maybe not agree with me, to read the book and to argue with it, but at least to know what Israelis think. I think it represents the majority of Israelis. The people here in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem no longer believe in the idea of land for peace. We’ve tried it. It failed. We are open for new ideas.”

Regarding a possible Israeli strike on Iran, Danon said, “I think we have the support of the American people, and I think the leadership in Washington will have no other choice but to support a decision like this because it’s a moral decision. It has to do with what is right and wrong. We hear the hatred coming from Iran and we have to fight it.”

“I’m not a Democrat and I’m not a Republican,” he clarified. “I will support anyone who stands with Israel, but we have to say it very clearly: President Obama was not a friend of Israel. It’s about time that we demand to see more action coming from the White House and not only declarations and speeches.”

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