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svgadminsvgJuly 3, 2014svgNews

Miracle in Sderot: Rocket Hits Day Camp, No One Injured

A Kassam rocket fired by Gaza Arab terrorists struck a building in Sderot Thursday morning. No one was injured, but a home suffered extensive damage. The home is being used this summer as the base for a summer day camp. Miraculously, the rocket did not explode, and all the damage was sustained from the impact of the rocket. Children were set to come to the building for their day in camp just a few minutes after the attack.

It was the second building to be hit in Sderot since midnight. At least eight rockets fired by Gaza Arab terrorists hit areas within Israel. Two of the rockets fired Thursday morning were deflected by Iron Dome missiles.

Overnight Wednesday, several other rockets hit Israel, with one causing damage to a building in Sderot. No one was injured in that attack, and electricity was cut off to several buildings in the area. The Red Alert warning system sounded several times during the early hours of Thursday morning.

In response to the rocket attacks, IDF forces struck early Thursday in Gaza. Gaza sources reported several injuries in the IDF strike.

The security cabinet met again Wednesday night to discuss the current security situation. The cabinet has yet to announce any decisions about the situation in Gaza or the fierce rioting in Jerusalem Wednesday in the wake of the discovery of the body of an Arab teen earlier Wednesday.

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