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svgadminsvgJune 20, 2015svgNews

Minister Ariel Promises to Honor Terror Victim’s Memory

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) on Saturday night attended the funeral of Danny Gonen, the 26-year-old who was murdered in Friday’s shooting attack in the Binyamin region, and promised to perpetuate his memory in the spot where he was murdered.

Ariel said that he would act to rename the spring next to which Gonen was murdered to Ein Danny (“Danny’s Spring”).

“Danny embodied the love for the people of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel. The spring in which Danny hiked on Friday afternoon will be renamed Ein Danny and I pledge to develop it so that it will be one of the most travelled to sites in Israel,” said Ariel.

“The murderers who did not want to see hikers will soon see thousands of more Jews flocking to the area,” he vowed.

“Danny lived in Lod and studied at the yeshiva in Ma’aleh Adumim, believed in and worked to increase the social and physical construction everywhere in the country. We are committed to continue his way in strengthening social activity across the country along with the building and strengthening of Judea and Samaria,” added Ariel.

Gonen was murdered by a Palestinian Arab terrorist as he and a friend were finishing a trip to the spring. A Palestinian Arab standing at the side of the road waved them down, apparently asking for help.

As soon as the Israelis’ car pulled up he asked them for water, and then shot them at point-blank range and fled the scene.

Gonen’s friend was taken to the Tel Hashomer Hospital where he was listed in light to moderate condition.

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