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svgadminsvgJanuary 9, 2016svgNews

Milhem’s victims to be recognized as victims of terrorism

The Defense Ministry on Saturday decided to recognize the three people murdered by terrorist Nashat Milhem in Tel Aviv as victims of terrorism.

Milhem murdered Alon Bakal and Shimon Ruimi at the Simta Pub on Dizengoff Street and then proceeded to murder cab driver Amin Shaban. He evaded police for a week before being killed by police on Friday in Arara.

Recognizing the three victims as victims of terrorism entitles their families to benefits. The decision was reached as per the recommendation of the Israeli Police after Milhem was killed.

Police, meanwhile, continue to search for Milhem’s accomplices, who are believed to have helped him hide from security forces for an entire week after the Tel Aviv attack. Several residents of Arara were arrested on Friday after it became clear he was receiving food and help in securing hideouts.

According to police sources and residents of the Aldharat neighborhood where he was found, who were cited by Yedioth Ahronoth on Saturday night, it was known that “he received full aid, especially from his family members, since arriving in Wadi Ara last Friday. Every day he slept in a different place. They brought him food and took care of him.”

One resident of the Israeli town told the site that “Nashat grew up in the Aldharat neighborhood, and he had good relations with everyone who lives here.”

“Many people knew that he was here, but it was difficult to inform on him and tell the police,” admitted the Arab Israeli. “His family members also didn’t want to be responsible for his arrest, and preferred to protect him until the last moment.”

On Saturday night, five suspects believed to have aided Milhem were brought to court for an extension of their arrest. Two of the five said they saw Milhem walking around the Adharat neighborhood freely both day and night while holding a weapon, and claimed they called the police.

The testimony would seem to indicate Milhem had no fear that he would be turned in by the residents.

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