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svgadminsvgFebruary 11, 2015svgNews

Meretz Slams Livni, Calls Her ‘Closet Rightist’

As polls continue to show Meretz weakening, the leftist party is desperately searching for ways to survive and pass the minimum number of votes needed for Knesset representation – and the party has decided to attack its fellow travelers on the left.

In a new video released Wednesday, Meretz takes on Tzipi Livni, who is running for Prime Minister along with Yitzhak Herzog. Livni, the video says, cannot be trusted to carry out the agenda of the left – because she was until not long ago a part of the government of the right.

In the video, titled “the Tzipi Livni memory game,” viewers are asked to choose which Livni is the “real” one – the Livni who ran Kadima, the Livni who was a Likud member for many years, the Livni who is running together with Herzog – or the one that was Justice Minister in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government.

The answer, Meretz said, is the latter – which is why she can’t be trusted to carry out the left’s agenda. “This time, we rely only on ourselves,” the video concludes, aimed at “soft left” voters who would be tempted to vote for Labor – because both she and Herzog are very likely to join a Netanyahu government, unlike Meretz.

Ten days ago, Meretz chairperson Zehava Gal-On attacked Livni and Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid, said that “in all decisions on social, economic, and political matters they were a major part of the last government, a rubber stamp for the decisions of the Netanyahu government. If Netanyahu had not fired Livni she would still be in the government.”

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