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svgadminsvgMay 21, 2014svgNews

Meir Sheetrit Officially Contending for Presidential Post

MK Meir Sheetrit (HaTnua) has obtained the necessary ten signatures to run in presidential elections, which are called for June 10.

“I call on all candidates to focus the public debate on one issue only – the most suitable candidate who has the power to unite all sections of the people,” he stated, after obtaining the signatures. “After forty years of public activity as a mayor, as a legislator, as Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, Minister of Housing, Minister of Interior, Minister of Education, Minister of Transport and a host of other public positions – I am convinced that I am a suitable candidate for president.” 

He also said if he is chosen, he will focus on the “darker elements” of Israeli society.

“[I aim to] to deal with poverty, inequality, and social and economic inequalities,” Sheetrit said. “I believe this is the most important mission of the next president and I will act according to this vision.” 

Earlier Wednesday, suspected presidential candidate Energy Minister Silvan Shalom (Likud) announced that he is not going to participate in the elections, leaving analysts scrambling to determine who is likely to replace current president Shimon Peres. 

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) also addressed the race for the presidency Wednesday, and admitted that the nationalist camp has a split vote.

“There is a split in the nationalist camp, in the right we are debating and agonizing,” he said. “The Opposition has a presidential candidate [Sheetrit – ed.] but, among the right, not one of us is clear who will run, and whether someone will run.”

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