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svgadminsvgSeptember 10, 2014svgNews

Livni: Resuming Peace Talks Will Help Fight Against IS

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni on Wednesday called for the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), claiming that doing so would help the fight against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group.

Restarting peace talks, she said, would “create a strong axis with Arab countries that terrorism is a common enemy to them.”

Livni also said she plans to introduce a new bill to the Knesset against IS.

“This law will allow the state to prosecute any Israeli citizen who takes part in an armed terrorist organization with an Islamist ideology, “Livni said. “He will be prosecuted, because that is what needs to be done to guard against terrorism.”

There have been several calls in recent weeks to resume peace talks with the PA, following the end of Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

Opposition leader and Labor party chairman MK Yitzhak Herzog spoke with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas last Friday and asked him to resume peace talks with Israel and to refrain from unilateral steps.

“I told him that after the war there is a rare opportunity for a regional diplomatic settlement, and that the core of such an arrangement would be stable and strong security arrangements. It is also a Palestinian interest,” said Herzog.

“I pointed out that it is necessary to avoid unilateral diplomatic measures that would harm the chances of reaching an arrangement and instead the parties must enter real negotiations on the basis of the security principles and defining the borders first,” he continued.

Abbas, however, is continuing with unilateral steps in the United Nations instead of working to resume talks.

Aides to Abbas revealed that he will soon appeal to the international community to set a deadline for Israel to withdraw back to the indefensible pre-1967 borders and make way for an independent Palestinian state.

In April, the PA requested to join 15 international agencies in breach of the conditions of the peace talks that were going on with Israel at that time.

In response, Israel cancelled the fourth terrorist release “gesture” and subsequently pulled out of the talks altogether, after the PA signed a unity pact with Hamas.

Abbas has also repeatedly threatened to pursue Israel through the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, unless Israel agrees to discuss a Palestinian state along the indefensible pre-1967 borders.

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